Sointula Views

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by sointula.
My experiment in growing artichokes this far north.

Artichokes are almost unknown as a garden crop, other than California. You may be surprised that if you have at least 100 frost-free days in your area which most of the country does, you can grow them!

Artichokes perfect for eating should be soft and bendable for two or three inches below the bud. The bud “eatable part” can be kept for up to one months in the refrigerator, but who can wait. I think artichokes are delicious and worth the effort of growing though I do not think Jim thinks they are worth the effort of eating! I think scraping the edible part off all those tough leaves with one's bottom teeth rather negates the prize center for him. Oh well, all the more for me. The Romans planted artichokes throughout their empire spreading this grand thistle throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. Certainly the French took kindly to the introduced species.