Sointula Views

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Quick Trip

On Monday, Jim and I took Hayley, our granddaughter, back to Victoria. We had had a short but wonderful visit in Sointula. We took the 11 am ferry from Sointula and managed to return her home to her other Grandma's before bedtime. I stayed in Sidney for the night and after scrounging around for a few forgotten things, left in the morning driving friend, Kevin's pickup with his sixteen foot inflatable on a trailer. The trip was uneventful and the weather good so I was easily back in the ferry lineup for the 6:30 ferry to Sointula from Port McNeil.

As I was early for the ferry, I visited with Mary and Lou on Seventh Heaven. They are in Port McNeil installing a new windless after an unforgettable trip to the Haida Gwaii. Check out their blog. I have a link in the menus to the right. After a few days reprovisioning, resting and doing laundry, they will be off again with family guests as crew.

So today, I am back to overseeing and getting on with things here in Sointula. Jim is in Victoria ordering bolts and problem solving. He has meetings to attend, reports to write and somewhere find time to catch a few winks.